Results for recent auctions in Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire

Below is a list of the auctions held by Auction House Beds & Bucks in the last 12 months across Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

Click on any auction date to view the results.

Past online auction results for Auction House Beds & Bucks

Address Auction Ended Guide Result
Flat 39 Hatton Place, Luton, Bedfordshire Flat 39 Hatton Place, Luton, Bedfordshire 26/11/2024 13:48 £75,000 Sold for: £84,000
Flat 115 Alpha House, Northampton, Northamptonshire Flat 115 Alpha House, Northampton, Northamptonshire 15/10/2024 13:31 £115,000 No Bids